How to be Productive

Sometimes it is hard to get out of bed and decide to be productive. Especially if it's raining and all you want to do is lay in bed and watch movies (me today lol). But I somehow managed to get out of bed and make today a productive one. Here are some tips that helped me this morning

1. I was going to begin this list by saying to get an early start to your day. But, then I didn't want to sound like a hypocrite because I had intensions on waking up at 8, but didn't wake up until 10... So don't be like me. I'm still including this tip in my list though because I think waking up early is a good way to be productive. You have more time in your day to do all the things you need to do. 

2.  Start your day with a good breakfast. I don't mean to sound like your parent but you need brain food in the morning. This is a great way to start your day off on the right foot. If you have an extra 10 minutes in the morning to actually take some time and make your breakfast, I'm sure that will make you want to be productive the rest of the day.

3. Write down a to-do list. I love making lists and crossing things off that I complete as my day goes on. I feel accomplished at the end of the day when all of my tasks are checked off.  If you don't want to write out a physical list, I suggest making a mental list of all the things you have to do that day.

4. Let others know of your plans to be productive. This will keep you motivated to stay on track throughout the day and that person can hold you accountable. I actually texted one of my friends this morning saying "I had plans on being productive today but this rain is making me think otherwise." Her response was "Be productive!" Now here I am, sitting at Starbucks, letting you know of all my tips to be productive! 

5. Lastly, treat yourself to something you love. When I have a lot of homework and things to do, I like to go to Starbucks and get myself a coffee. By me going to Starbucks and leaving my apartment, I already feel like it will be a productive day. Also, getting an iced coffee is my incentive to complete my tasks.

Hope you enjoyed this post, and that it motivates you to be productive today!! :)


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